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I have substantial experience in supervising the work of experienced and trainee counsellors and therapists across a wide range of modalities. I have particular experience in the supervision of therapists working within the limits of organisations to work ethically and with personal integrity whilst being responsive to changing situations around the therapeutic offer. I also have experience of providing supervision to multi-disciplinary teams, wellbeing practitioners and those in a pastoral and supportive role.
My supervisory practice is informed by a number of models such as Hawkins and Shohet's seven-eyed model, Page and Wosket's Cyclical Model and Prochaska, DiClemente & Norcross (adapted for supervision) Transtheoretical model. Most recently, I have undertaken training in existential supervision which seeks to shine light and foster various perspectives, collaboration, therapeutic process, emotion, imagination and the lifeworlds of the client and supervisee to enable the fullest exploration of existential issues. This approach is underpinned by van Deurzen's Structural Existential Analysis and the four dimensions of existence; the physical, social, personal and spiritual worlds, working with the paradoxes and tensions of life and our emotional orientations. The relationship we create together, collaboratively, is one of key importance and any model is a way in which to bring attention - direct the light, if you like - but it's the landscape not the map that we will work with.
We can work flexibly, 1 hour or 1.5 hour fortnightly or monthly sessions are available.
Fees: £70 per 1 hour session and £105 for 1.5 hours.
Further reading
For further reading on existential supervision you may be interested in:
Deurzen, E. van. (2009). Aims of Existential Supervision: Truth as a Guiding Light. In Deurzen, E. van & Young, S. (Eds.), Existential Perspectives on Supervision. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Deurzen, E. van. (2015). Structural Existential Analysis (SEA): A Phenomenological Method for Therapeutic Work. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 45, 59–68.

Clinical Supervision
“Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity."
Simone Weil
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